Upon graduating from college with a Bachelor's, I had every intention of going back to school for my Masters in Teaching and pursue my desire to teach high school students about expressing their feelings through creative writing. I found myself in a state employee job that I was not very happy with and my educational plans for an MIT was put on the back shelf.
I felt like I woke up one morning and decided to create Trizanh after some friends urged my creativity. I felt like I had a new passion for a viable goal for myself. I was going to start my own small business of making purses. I knew it was going to be hard but I was going to do it. My unhappiness at the full time job continued to consume me and I decided it was time to take the plunge into full entrepreneurship. I quit, got a part time job at Starbucks and focused my energy on branding my business. Almost three years later, Trizanh has grown a lot but there is still a lot of work to do and no guarantee that it will be successful enough for me to live comfortably. Also moonlighting as a wedding coordinator (Weddings with Anh), I "accidentally fell" into the idea of becoming a Project Manager. I already enjoy the job and do part of it for both Trizanh and Weddings with Anh so why not go all the way with a Master's degree to make myself more legit?
As a partner of Starbucks, I have wonderful benefits including help with tuition for school. I went for it and applied to the graduate program at City University for my Masters in Project Management. Now that school is in session, I have not given much attention to Trizanh and now I feel like I got myself into more than I can handle.
Already applying my skills to my own life, I have to divide my time between school and business, in hopes that I don't fail at one or the other... or both. Please excuse me if I seem scattered or chaotic in the months to come. Fret not for I shall continue to create one of a kind purses and Trizanh will only grow stronger as a business as I continue to apply my knowledge to building the brand.