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Monday, January 14, 2013

Addicted to fabric

Even before I began the Trizanh brand of purses, I have always been obsessed with fabric. I would find myself walking through the fabric section looking at all the different types of fabric bolts and imagine what amazing crafts and creations could be created. I usually found myself in the quilting fabric section because I think I was a quilter in my former life.

The array of color pallets from the bolts and how they are display in a rainbow of fabric is fun to look at. Since I don't quilt, I have always found a reason to buy quilting fabric to make random things. Now that I use quilting fabric/cotton prints to line the Checker collection with, I have a good reason to always look at the current inventory and the sales table.

When I opened the business account for Trizanh, I went on a shopping spree to buy all types of prints and colors but I had to stop because I needed to use up my current stock of fabric before buying more. I recently went over my stock of fabric and now it's time to go shopping again. I'm so excited to visit the local quilting/fabric stores to see what they have in stock for this crazy fabric hoarder.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy 2013

2012 ended on a couple of difficult notes but in time, and with strength, things start to look up again. With the first term of graduate school starting, making purses has fallen down the list. However, with the new year I plan to pick up and continue the projects I planned for Trizanh.

Building an online store, through sites like Etsy, will only help expand Trizanh to all the purse lovers out there in the world. However, producing quality photos and maintaining the online shops are a lot of work but this is something that shall be accomplish this year. Running my own online shop off will be another step in the e-commerce world so for now, sites like Etsy and ArtFire will suffice.

Creating the Sew-Do-Ku Collection is an on going project and this year will be another year of experimental crafting. Just when I think I figured out one part, another part doesn't work. This collection will be worth every sweat and tear I've put into it.

Boutiques that sell handmade goods are what help professional crafters launch their brand. This year I plan to find more boutiques to give some purses a place to call home.

Thanks again for all the support and love to this crazy purse maker and be sure to check back for more adventures in the world of Trizanh!