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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Reinventing, rebranding, rethinking

Summer is blazing over the skies of Seattle but I'm inside, on my sewing machine, making new and different changes to my purse collections. I will be the first to admit that I HATE ironing, however, I need to add extra detail and attention to finishing off my products so I've invested in an iron and a board to go with it. While Seattle is basking in the 70+ degree weather, I'll be steaming over the ironing board to make sure all the tips, points, and folds are to a perfect crease. I've introduced eyelets to finish off some of my products and working on my hand sewing skills to ensure that all of my collections are clean and crisp looking.

In addition to my extra care to detail and quality, I'm adding a new tag to all my products to add that extra flare to my unique brand of purses. The tags will be one of a kind, just like each purse, and customers can leave it on as an extra embellishment. I might even throw extra tags in swag bags for craft shows to get my brand out there.

The wheels in my head are always turning, thinking of new and different ways to bring my eclectic pieces of art through purses to life.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Formal collection iPad covers

I received a customer order for a Formal collection iPad cover and it was really fun to make! The cover consists of five ties and it's a tight fit but any more than five would make it too wide. Order yours today!